June 30, 2021 Update

Providence Family,

What a year and three months it has been! I want to commend you all on being adaptive during this time! I know it hasn’t been easy, but we have persevered and ready to take our next steps in “opening up.” Below are the things starting back.


If you have been to worship recently, you may have noticed that masks are not required. If you feel like you need to wear one, please wear one! If you are sick, running a temperature, coughing, I urge that you stay home or see a doctor. Please look after yourself!

Sunday School-

We will start back with Sunday School on July 11th at 9:30 AMPlease note the time change. We will begin Sunday School earlier to accommodate the worship service time change. We will only have one class to begin with. It will either be held in the sanctuary or the big Sunday School room.

We are in the process of starting other Sunday School classes. We are exploring a young adult class. If you are interested, please let me know. 


We will be starting to have a “normal” worship service beginning this Sunday. On July 11th, the worship service will start at 10:30 AMPlease note the time change. In addition to worship, we need to begin a nursery again. I am looking to create a nursery rotation. If you are interested, please let me know.

Movie Nights

One thing that the pandemic has taught us is the need for human interaction. We will offer two movie nights on July 25th and August 22nd. More information will be shared in the coming weeks. 

Pastoral Visits

In addition to home visits, I am offering other ways to visit. The first is offering rides around the community. I have offered this to several of you. I know that it is a different time and maybe you just want to get out of the house. Give me a call and I will drive you around Providence! The second is a “Porch Sittin’.” This will be a time where you can come to the parsonage as we sit on the porch, talk over a glass of lemonade, and enjoy the time. More information will be given in a few weeks.

Bible Study

Before the pandemic hit, our church was going through a Bible Study, “Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus.” I would like to start again with the study. Tentatively, we will begin on Wednesday, September 8th. More information will be given at a later time. 

Mission Projects

We are in the works of missional opportunities. We all know that Operation Christmas Child will be approaching in the next few months. We hope that we will be able to exceed our goals from last year. You may continue to provide online as well as pack your own boxes. We will give out more information later. 

There are other mission projects that we are working on and will share them with you later.

As you can see, we are planning a lot of things for us to stay connected. Being connected is very important. Throughout all of this, we need to stay connected with each other, but most importantly, connected with Jesus Christ! I know and trust that through these things, we can do both! 

If there is anything I can do for you, please reach out to me! 

Grace and Love,


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